Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is an action-adventure stealth video game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami for the PlayStation Portable in 2010. It is the seventh Metal Gear game written, directed, and designed by Hideo Kojima, as well as the second action-based Metal Gear title made specifically for the PSP, following Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops; it was later released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as part of the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection in North America and Europe and as a stand-alone retail release in Japan. This is the first title in the series to alter the traditional tagline "Tactical Espionage Action" to "Tactical Espionage Operations", referring to the base building and mission mechanics of the game.
Peace Walker received critical acclaim, becoming the 3rd highest rated PSP game on Metacritic, and is often ranked as one of the best PlayStation Portable games by major gaming publications.
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